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=> Home -> Player -> XuGuoMing
PK:PK50(Default) GM Master Top Rating:All Others:Same Region All Players
Player: USA XuGuoMing History PK Statistics (Click the Column Header reSorting ; Check out real-time Statistics; Player Name:Show "PK"; number:Link to Games List):
No.CheckOpp Player GamesTotal PKRateWinDrawLoss RedRateRed WinRed DrawRed Loss BlackRateBlack WinBlack DrawBlack Loss Last update
1Xue Zhong11000110001000002013/10/23 17:46:48
2XueHanDi1000110001000002015/8/25 2:09:11
3Matsuno Yoichiro11001001100100000002015/8/25 2:09:27
4ChenYouFa1000100000100012015/8/25 2:09:32
5Zhan GuoWu1000110001000002015/8/25 2:09:38
6Hsu Wei Kuo1000110001000002015/8/25 12:07:34
7Dmitry RUMYANTSEV11001000000011001002015/8/26 0:47:29
8PaSiKa11001000000011001002016/7/9 21:13:08
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