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Home -> Events -> 2011 4th ShanTou,GuangDong Junior and Boys U6 Draughts QiWang Tournament pairing
2011 4th ShanTou,GuangDong Junior and Boys U6 Draughts QiWang Tournament:Info Rank Pairing Stats
2011 4th ShanTou,GuangDong Junior and Boys U6 Draughts QiWang Tournament -> Pairings
Round/TableRed FederPrev ScoreRed NamePidResultPidBlack NamePrev ScoreBlack FedergameRemarks&&PK
Round 3
1DongXiaXiaoXue2WeiHaiXin22+0 4ZhouHaoNan2GuiHuaXiaoXue  
2DongXiaXiaoXue0LuoChun32+0 1LiHongLi0ShaPuXiaoXue  
Round 2
1GuiHuaXiaoXue1ZhouHaoNan42+0 3LuoChun0DongXiaXiaoXue  
2ShaPuXiaoXue0LiHongLi10-2 2WeiHaiXin1DongXiaXiaoXue  
Round 1
1ShaPuXiaoXue0LiHongLi10-2 4ZhouHaoNan0GuiHuaXiaoXue  
2DongXiaXiaoXue0WeiHaiXin22+0 3LuoChun0DongXiaXiaoXue  
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